A Memento

It’s okay not to talk about anything. It’s okay that no one wants to listen to social banters or the fact that climate change can affect everyone’s mood is not as surprising as it may seem.

It’s okay not to say sorry when you’re not at fault of having to neglect certain responsibilities. It’s okay to shut your boundaries and build walls against people who don’t want you to succeed.

You failed the exam? It’s fine. You have not read the assigned cases or the given chapter covered for the class recitation? It’s totally fine as long as the sun rises due east at 5:00 AM, you don’t have to worry every ounce of humiliation.

Remind yourself that we all have enough shares of every bad day and the bad evenings come together and it’s even metaphorical to note that you are never alone in the crusade where all the blunders and absurdities meet.

It’s okay to drown in the dark plethora of sadness because it’s what makes us human — naked, scarred and flawed amongst any other living organism in the universe. Yet, we still exist with a strong will to live and above all, we are renewed and clothed with the mask of determination to battle the endless challenges in the labyrinth of success.

Hence, we find life’s difficulties but if you aim to fast-forward, keep calm and carry on because this is not a drill, this is the reality.


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