Watch “College Student Opens Up About Depression And Anxiety” on YouTube


“You will still have days where nothing will change. You’ll have days where you regress and feel worse… But despite that, I understand that those things don’t define me. Just focusing on that next step is how I’m able to move forward.”

Jubilee Media is excited to share part two of our “Humans Being” series, The Invisible Battle. Depression and mental health is too often a taboo subject, and there are not enough conversations being held about such a widespread issue.

The Invisible Battle is a documentary about Rice University college student, Matthew Lim, and the battle he fights with depression, stress, and mental illnesses. As humans, we are all being, living, and adding value to the world. Humans Being is a short-documentary series that seeks to tell extraordinary stories of people who are marginalized, underdogs, and unconventional.

(Credits goes to their respective copyright holder.)

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